Dreaming the Dragon is an epic, fantastical creation story designed as an experience -- an enchantment -- meant to gift the reader a knowing of their fantastical self, co-creating a future that is more awesome than we can possibly imagine. It’s not a typical fantasy novel about dragons. The best way to read it is by allowing yourself to be enchanted by this new genre of writing that fuses fantasy with consciousness creation, dragons with humanity and the Grandest of Dreamers with all of Life to create an exhilarating new future for us all.
"There are a very few books which the reader can hold unopened in their hands and feel the energy of transformation. This book is one. If you choose to open it you will not only be transformed, you will transcend to your greatest Being. This is not a fantasy. It is an epic story of wonder unlike any other I have ever read. The story commanded me. It took me into ecstatic rapture. I read at times with tears running down my face as I felt myself expand and journey to places I had never dreamed of." |
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