I'm a future innovator, visionary author and source of breakthroughs that elevate & evolve the world. I host a group that innovates consciousness & co-creates breakthroughs in collaborative genius fusion. Over the past 25 years I have taught & written about genius, transformation, alchemical coaching, visionary leadership, quantum evolution & transcendent alchemy. Here's what I have gleaned from all of this....
CHANGE: Change can be difficult & stressful, mostly because you're working inside an old paradigm system which is hierarchical and resistant to change. TRANSFORMATION: Visionaries come to the fore and ideas begin to thrive. It's about the fulfilment of potential for people, organisations & the world. QUANTUM EVOLUTION: Quantum evolution is about activating & actualising new possibilities that elevate and evolve us in quantum leaps, which in turn create new paradigms of reality for us to live into. TRANSCENDENT ALCHEMY: Transcendent alchemy is about co-creating a collective singularity that reinvents us as a species and a world. Here you become a source of new'ness and a future maker extraordinaire! Zoom sessions will focus on ...
(1) transformation, unleashing genius & the fulfilment of potential, (2) quantum evolution working with possibilities & reality creation, (3) sourcing breakthroughs & transcendent alchemy, (4) future making & our collective singularity. |
This online webinar series includes ...
FEE: £199 (approx. $250 US). Payable by PayPal (click the link below). Or if you're in the UK, you can do it by bank transfer (ask me for details). |
I've been a leading edge creator for the past 25 years, sourcing breakthroughs in the areas of embodiment of our greater & Source/Creator beings, expansive intelligence, the unleashing of genius throughout the world & the development of what I like to call transcendent alchemy.
I've taught round the world, hosted conferences & events and written 19 books on a variety of topics like ...