How not to fall down the rabbit hole ... Liberate yourself to live brilliantly in the now!1/26/2014 ![]() I believe that our emotions are amazing pointers towards the next levels of ourselves and our work. Today they live all entangled wih the past, creating a doorway down the rabbit hole! In order to utilise emotions for greater purpose, you want to learn to ... (1) live in the now, (2) stay out of the rabbit hole, and (3) use your emotions as energetic fuel for forward motion. After coaching several people who fell down the rabbit hole recently, I asked myself the question 'Why do people attach what happens in the present with everything yucky from the past?' If someone says or does something not very nice to us, why do we wind down the vibrational scale, adding to it every every awful thing that ever happened to us? Have we gotten so enrapt in the psychological processing paradigm that we no longer see the now for the now and ourselves as having nothing or very little to do with someone else's bad behaviour? In the super conscious paradigm it's perfectly ok to say 'This person's behaviour has nothing to do with me and I don't need to process their behaviour as mine. Nor do I need to carry everything that's ever happened to me in a drawer to be pulled out every time something goes slightly amiss.' Instead declare to yourself 'I live in the now, and I take everything that happens to me as a fascinating pointer to the next levels of my work and my being.' It's from here that we have the real power to move through life unencumbered and alive with creation, regardless of what happens to us. It's from here that we can use the energy of our emotions to fuel our way forward in life! Anger as the tip of passion and power. Fear as excitement for what's next. Time to stop falling down the rabbit hole folks. Next time you start to fall, wind upwards instead of downwards and see what wonders that unfolds. The Real Art of Transformation ... Leave the past in the past and start living in the now!![]() Paula D'Andrea of Rock Your Life TV is interviewing me in three parts. Watch these videos to learn more about how to stay out of the rabbit hole and in your higher vibe. Part 1 ~ Rock Your Higher Vibe Part 2 ~ The Real Art of Transformation Part 3 ~ Unleash Your Genius coming soon on Rock Your Life TV. Learn the real art of transformation through our Visionary Coach training.
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.