I'm not quite sure why a lot of people talk about the new becoming of us as challenging, needing to process more stuff and climb more mountains before they reach the peak. It's just not like that for me and my buddies. We spring, we fly, we soar to the new heights this becoming offers us. We are filled with joy, vitality & excitement and rush with great enthusiasm into whatever the next new might hold for us. So how come it's so different for us versus all these other folks who are referring to this time of new becoming as challenging?
1. We enthusiators (is that a word?) don't hang onto anything from the past. Not identity, bodies of work, how things are supposed to be done, etc. etc. That gives us a clear space from which to welcome in the new and so it flows effortlessly and joyfully into and through us. 2. We love life to the nth degree. We tend to walk around enamored of the wonders of Nature, the Earth and all the life forms upon her. This creates a natural state of exhilaration in us that preps us for the next new high vibes rolling on in from the wild infinite genius universe. 3. We have embodied ourselves as Source, the Universe, the ALL (whatever your favorite term for that might be) and so we are not just receivers of the incoming goodies, but the sources of them as well. That means if it's a tad too much for us physically, we can slow it down, grace it up or power it more wondrously for all and that works a charm in terms of making the integration easypeasy for ourselves and for all. 4. We eat enormous power surges from the Universe for lunch. We revel in the wonder of it all. This is not power that harms life, this is power that cherishes, uplifts and vitalises life. And that is one of my most favorite things to do ... play my part in bringing that beautiful life-elevating power into this world. 5. We have discovered a brand new version of collective mastery fusion in which none of us operating in this way are ever doing anything alone. We have the genius and mastery of thousands, maybe millions of beings the world over fused into the power of our collective creations. All of these things allow us to be innovators and creators of our new becoming ... and for me that is one of the most spectacular things I may ever have the privilege of being part of in this lifetime.
2020 is right around the corner and I believe that this extraordinary year will be the elevational turning point for the whole of this world. Yes, yes, I know, it's not always looking like that externally in the world these days, but actually it depends on where you're looking. Inside so many of us, a revolution has been taking place ...
2020 is this turning point, of that I am sure. And those of us who've been experiencing this extraordinary becoming are already at work on sourcing this movement with all the grace we can pour into it. We have discovered from this collective becoming journey that transformation / transcendence / ascendence doesn't have to happen traumatically or tragically to push us into it. Instead it can be a wondrous, joy-filled, high vitality pathway with powerful knowing, surging energy and amazing connections as we embody all of this new becoming into the living of our lives and into the collective consciousness of this world. In 2019 this task was given over to us completely. We are collectively sourcing, along with many other life forms on this planet, a grand becoming in which a whole world unprecedentedly elevates itself beyond its wildest dreamings. This is who we are now. This is the joy of our lives and the power of our being coming alive like never before to do that which has never been done before. To pull a world from the brink of collapse into an extraordinary, elevational, new becoming. I thrill to even the sound of 2020. It rings throughout the universe as an extraordinary year, an unprecedented turning, a new becoming for us all. We are ready. It will be so because we have prepared ourselves to make it so. What part will you play in it? What genius will you pour into it? What masteries will you unleash for us all to grow and thrive upon? This is it. This is why you came here. This is your and our moment and I for one can't wait to watch it unfold. Let's chat about being future creators. Many people think the world is in demise, but not me or any of my consciousness player buddies. We know without any doubt that a future is with us even now that is more extraordinary than anyone has yet imagined. It's been coming in for a good number of years now and more recently in our future creators network we've been creating living templates for that as we ...
The players in our Future Creators network are incredibly awesome and sourcing breakthroughs in these areas mentioned above....as epigeneticists, as PhD creators, as artists, writers, coaches, trainers & innovators, as beings who can see and work with the weave/matrix of people, the Earth & the universe and more. Each one is breathtakingly awesome and up to such wonderful things and as a collective we are co-creating an unimaginable future beyond anything we can yet imagine. |
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.