Having developed the art of transformation for the last 30 years, I've discovered that the most powerful and even miraculous movement can happen when you let yourself be moved. It's a kind of exquisite anguish, a touching of something deeply profound, a sense of things more powerful than yourself stirring on the edges of your awareness. Watch my video from the Genius series on being willing to be moved. As a coach, letting yourself be moved by your client will create a more powerful and lasting shift than you can imagine. Their greatness is called forth and suddenly they have access to more of themselves than ever before. As a writer, allowing yourself to be moved by the genius that's coming through you embeds an enchantment into the writing that will move others as they read it throughout time. As an artist or photographer, being moved by your subject brings something alive in that picture, taking it from a flat image to something that will captivate people and take them on journey into themselves. As a singer, letting the song move you creates a wave that ripples through people as they listen, transporting them to a pure moment of exquisite experience. When you allow yourself to be moved, a well-spring of energy rushes through you, tears well up in your eyes and a breathless gasp takes you over. That is the moment when the universe is powering up its wonders to be delivered on the slips streams of your awe. That is when the power to transform, to enchant, to exhilarate come rushing through you asking you to deliver its fulfilment into the world. Learn how to transform yourself, others & the world with our transformative, visionary, genius on line learning programs. Or join me in person for our Real Art of Transformation training.
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AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.