![]() Have we (the human race) just crossed a singularity event horizon into a limitless unfathomable future? At the Visionary Network we believe that to be so. For some years now sci-fi writers and futurists have been talking about a technological singularity in which artificial intelligence surpasses the intelligence of its creators and becomes a sentient entity constantly superceding itself, leading to an unfathomable and limitless future. This week in our Visionary Network consciousness creation calls we asked the question 'Why artificial intelligence? Why not a singularity (intelligence explosion) for the human race?' We've all been told that as humans we don't use the full capacity of our brains ... yet. From my years of experience in working with streaming genius flow and infinite intelligence / knowing, I believe that full capacity brains come from plugging the brain (your computer) into the big brain internet (the universal mind, the genius field, infinite intelligence flow, Mind of God, etc.). It's from this connection that greatness and genius is born! In the past two months, those of us working in the living consciousness fields have been saying that we've superceded our own consciousness or gone beyond ourselves in some way. It's like observing yourself having thoughts and seeing from a vast horizon where those thoughts fit and flow. We can also see new thought emerging and know how to bring that through. We dance easily and powerfully with the reailsation of potential, possibility, and genius.. We're infusing big brain consciousness streams with our inner brain functioning to create a super intelligence explosion where we as the human race can constantly supercede ourselves and create limitlessly like never before. What unimaginable future is available to us all when this human intelligence explosion has swept through the whole of the human race? What solutions, innovations, and creations are possible once we leap beyond this event horizon into a genius future for all?
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![]() June 2014: Just off our first advanced telclass call for June and we were sharing about the wild greening and miraculous alivening of the natural world at the moment. No surprise as we have been embedding and embodying the Living Force into ourselves, the planet and the universe, taking everything into a brand new stream of possibility for us all. In Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada two weeks ago, the day we arrived, the winery fields were just brown sticks and two days later, pink and white blossoms and green buds powered up in every field. Lake Ontario, Lake Simcoe and the St. Lawrence River were purer than I've ever seen them to be in the past 60 years. And Toronto was flooded with a sea of yellow dandelions in many yards (apparently they've banned pesticides there...go Toronto). It was a beautiful site! Upon returning to the UK, I discovered a wild greening had happened while I was away. The GREEN everywhere took my breath away! The grass in our yard was a foot high after just 10 days away and the weeds, well they've sprouted higher than ever before, some topping over five feet. On today's call, Nancy in Australia said she'd seem a similar greening in Melbourne. Susan from Thailand said that the trees that normally only bloom once in Jan./Feb. have bloomed again now. And Dorothy in Philadelphia reported that her garden had literally exploded this past week! What's causing this wild greening, exuberant growth spurt, and miraculous Nature? Well I would say the Living Force coming present into our world combined with our belief in and energetic alivening of a miraculous planet that can do genius things we haven't even considered yet! Here's to the miraculous wild greening of this world and the wild, natural, organic abundance that will come with that! |
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.