There's never been a time like this before ... a time where the whole world goes quiet, all together, all at once. Virtually no pollution. No racing around the globe in planes or piling into crowded trains to get to work every day. A time where people in cities connect all together from their balconies to sing and clap for the super heroes taking care of them in the world outside their homes. A time where so very many get to experience a world at home with their families and loved ones.
Can we go back to the old ways when all this comes to a halt? I don't think so. We've been living in a fast, overly complicated world and suddenly it's become slow and simple. The mantra of the day seems to be 'Be well. Be kind. Take care of those around you. And do something good for the world today.' This 'do something good' piece is beaming out of emails I receive from CEO's of companies who are finally putting contribution to the world around them ahead of profit at any cost. So what will business, education, government and global society look like when all this is said and done. Here are my predictions for what it'll look like when the dust settles..... Business: Working from home and meeting by Zoom and Skype will at long last replace the helter skelter of city working. Contribution will sit above profit and many will find that in fact that order of prioritising will accelerate profits greatly. Responsible downsizing will most likely happen, but that will result in a lot of people unhappy in their jobs finding meaningful work by other means. Strategic divergence will most likely emerge as many companies discover that a single focus business just might be at risk in a crisis. And my greatest wish for businesses all over the world is that at long last they will learn to 'do the right thing', like replace plastic containers with natural recyclable options that are very available now. After all, if Dyson in the UK can make the switch in no time from vacuum cleaners to respirators, well anything is possible. Education: Parents and their youngsters are discovering the joy of online learning. A friend of mine with an 8 year old was sure she could never home school her daughter and yet they're having a ball this week doing exactly that while Mom continues to work from home. On line learning has unleashed these past weeks and it's beginning to look like open source everything, from celebrity concerts to cooking classes to dance lessons and exercise classes. I doubt that's all going to get pulled back into paid for sites when all is said and done. It's a whole new world of education now as we roam virtual museums and art galleries and discover the joys (and speed) of virtual learning. Government: Depending on what country you live in, you'll have a different experience of this. But overall, I believe the shift will begin to focus away from defence spending to stockpiling supplies and preparing the infrastructures for any future pandemics that might pop along. We'll be putting money towards building up our medical staff and making health care affordable and available to all. Perhaps at long last elected officials will cease to vote by party lines and discover their conscience and their desire to serve the people. My guess is it's not long till party politics is eliminated all together as it's already well out of date. Global Society: A united world at long last? That's my vision, my dream for this world. A deep, rich appreciation for all our differences and a collaborative approach to solving any global challenge. It is likely that we'll live for a while in a paradox of national isolation combined with global collaboration, but that will shift rapidly as we discover that we're all better off helping one another than trying to go it alone. And because of this current global crisis, kindness is wrapping the world in its embrace as people are helping people everywhere I look. And finally ... Climate: There is no way that once we have seen what can be done in a month or two by stopping all the pollution that we will just go back to life as before. We're going to develop harmonious relationships with nature, oceans, skies and all the creatures that live within them. Alternative energy sources will boom now. People have become climate aware and everyone will be doing their part. And don't even get me started on what's going to happen with healthy foods, grown in healthy soil and delivered from the farm to the door combined with the burst of home veg gardens that will now be planted and maintained. The world she is a'changing and I for one am thrilled about that. It's been a long time coming and it's only taken just a few short months to point us to the way forward. Who will we be when the dust settles? Kinder, more connected, smarter, more helpful and most definitely more visionary. We'll become more local, more national and more global all at the same time and isn't that the way of the newer, high vibrational realities...paradoxes thrive and turn into possibilities that we haven't even considered before. Here's to a fabulous new future now for us all, the whole world over.
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Here we are, smack dab in a global pandemic, and yes there are downsides, but there are also loads of upsides to what's happening right now around the world. The old ways are crumbling and innovation is surging the world over. This is the moment we move into a brand new, unified world. Let me show you what I mean...
Global Connection ... Watching the spread of the virus is demonstrating to us all just how interconnected we are the world over. In my own life and work, connection is thriving. Yes I'm home and I'm doing Zoom calls and Facebook events on line with all my buddies from around the world. We're watching Italians singing on their balconies together and police officers entertaining people on lock down in their homes with song and dance on the street. We're able to access live concerts by celebrities straight from their homes, watching all the countries stroll by in their live feed. In Canada a Facebook group called CareMongering went viral and is facilitating people helping people who need help. I even watched a BBC news clip of two teenage boys delivering gift packs of necessities to elderly people in their community. Who will we be together as a world when all this settles down? Back to normal? I don't think so and that is a great thing. The Environment ... Oh wow, watching videos from the International Space Station of pollution disappearing over countries known for really poor climate attention. Seeing dolphins return to the canals in Venice and birds chirping in Wuhan, China for the first time in a long time. Can we truly go back to ignoring our effect on global climate after watching the world sparkle to life while we're at home. Health Care & Healthy Living ... In the current circumstances, countries with great, accessible health care systems are doing better than those without. And that also matches to countries and cultures where a healthy life style is embedded into the culture. Governments will have to make these things a priority in their countries from this point on. And of course, everyone the world over will most likely be working on getting healthier and boosting their immune systems from here on in. Essential Workers ... Perhaps finally the world is recognising the powerful and essential contribution of medical staff, care workers, supermarket stockers & check out people and truck drivers delivering goods to those places. Let's hope they finally get a much deserved raise in pay when all this is said and done. Politics, not as usual ... Governments are being forced to step into innovative and supportive solutions for managing this global circumstance. Are we finally going to see a movement beyond divisive party politics and a lasting orientation to doing what is right for people and the countries they serve. Companies orienting to contribution, not just profit ... Here in the UK it's been wonderful watching some of the large stores, like M&S and Waitrose, creating £1M funds to support communities at risk. Might we at long last realise that lasting contribution should be at the top of the list for corporations from here on in? Universal Wage? ... In the UK and some other countries, people being put out of work are being offered a monthly wage by the government. And then there are the countries mandating no payment of rent or bills during the lockdown. Is this the beginning of something we've hoped for for a long time? The beginnings of a universal wage so that everyone can live graciously and well. The End to Wars? ... Now I have absolutely no data on this, but I would imagine that right now, for the first time ever, conflicts, wars and bombings may actually be at a standstill. Hmmm, what will the implications of that be once all the dust settles for us all. You see, every time there is a global crisis, great movement can come from it, taking us forward into a new era for us all. Personally, I believe that for me and my visionary buddies, we were made for these times as we have such a passion for our newly emerging world. I imagine that we all were made for these times! What will your contribution be? Can't wait to see. |
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.