No more drowning in a sea of work! The Future of Work will combine passion, genius, well-being, collaboration and innovation as a whole new experience of business in the world. As we emerge from the global lockdown of 2020, the fundamental difference will be our collective unwillingness to return to 'normal'. Because we've seen sweeping changes in a matter of months on things like climate change, universal basic income and the need for inclusive health care systems, our collective tolerance for corporate immovability will be replaced by an excited orientation to purchasing from businesses making the world a better place for us all. Innovative companies and community ingenuity will thrive. There's now a powerful sense of priority for our individual and collective well-being. It's no longer going to be profit at any cost ... to the detriment of employee & customer well-being and to life on Earth. We have seen just how interconnected and interwoven we are all over the world. We're learning all over again to celebrate the richness of diversity in soil for local food production and the elegance of diversity in each person and animal's contribution to a thriving world. As a result, success from now on will come from prioritising contribution to people and the world over profit at any cost. Capitalism as we know it will cease to be a dominating force on the planet, replaced by a whole new philosophy of interweaving companies and communities that work collaboratively towards enhancing life for us all. For example, major drinks brands are now looking to invest in plant based alternatives to plastic. Business will become a playground for innovation with open source collaborations replacing the concept of competition. As an expert on genius, I know that we cannot keep the brilliance of people's inventive genius in check much longer. As this pops into play (which it's had the opportunity to during the lockdown), leadership will shift from a hierarchical, top down structure to empowered, leaderful swarms of people, moving from project to project, working in collaborative genius fusion ... the exponential outcome of fusing the unique genius of multiple people to create something more extraordinary than any of the parts. Excitement about work & empowerment of others will become strong performance indicators. Employee owned businesses (like Riverford Organics in the UK) are already demonstrating the strength and versatility of employee driven businesses. The ability to innovatively pivot in the face of change has now been shown to be essential in our ever changing world. Watch my video on COLLECTIVE COLLABORATION. As of 2nd quarter 2020, we have become one big, global, on line workplace. Working from anywhere will replace big city, big building commuting and on line meetings & events will take precedence over expensive and exhausting travelling to meet. My guess is that we will initially see big city folks working part time from home and part time in the city, but that will move over time to distributed workplaces with everyone feeling more productive and happier working in a place of their choosing. Digital nomads have been trending over recent years (I even did it myself for 2 years) and my prediction is that we will see a thriving combination of travel, adventure and work eventually become the norm.
I haven't dared yet to mention AI, which personally I am very excited about. Just like a global pandemic did not turn into a zombie apocalypse (it's been more like a kindness pandemic), the world will not be over run by robots railing against their human masters ... that is simply movie dramatics. Artificial intelligence will partner the human race to make life more incredible for all life on this planet. It will facilitate innovation in ways we can't even see yet. It will assist us in brilliantly navigating space travel and building communities on Mars and other planets over time. All of the things I've written about above are to me an 'of course!' and are already emerging now. But what will truly alter the face of business and work in the world will be the creative joy and unleashed imagination that will emerge as we're given the freedom to contribute and collaborate like never before. In this milieu, meaningfulness and difference making will rise and a sense of fulfilment will replace the 'get ahead at any cost' approach seen in a lot of organisations today. I also believe that more and more people will make the move from corporate life to entrepreneurial endeavour while corporations themselves will discover the efficacy of interwoven entrepreneurial hubs within their own larger organisations. The world she is a'changing fast and brilliantly .... and isn't that a wonderful thing. * * * * * * * * Read more about how I see our new future emerging into the world now at
The old is like a hungry giant in BIG boots who stomps about the land crushing the little creatures and growing things beneath its feet. The middle, the transition, is where enchanting fairies and angels are called forth from their hiding places to charm the giant, to throw love dust upon him, causing him to walk a little gentler and sleep a little more, but generally waking up hungrier than ever before. The new is where a new sense of godness pervades every living creature and a life force power threads throughout the land. The people and all the creatures befriend the giant and a collaborative and innovative arrangement is struck so that all life thrives. The giant becomes an ally of the future, acts for the good of the land and is fed from its bounty. Here they all discover together the playground where the miraculous comes to play. You can see from this analogy that the giant (the old) doesn’t die or slip quietly into oblivion. Those wondrously loving fairies and angels don’t cease to love. The new is where we all rise up together, to be the awesome maestros of a new way, collaboratively, innovatively, wondrously, like never before. We enter the playground of the miraculous together and here a previously unbidden force gathers momentum, called by Grace, sourced in Greatness, powered by All.
We are now creators, sources, maestros of the miraculous ... the unprecedented, the never been before ... and it is here on this playground that we reinvent life on Earth and source a future of infinite possibility for us all. *. *. *. *. * Starting Monday, May 18th, I’m offering a FREE, 7 day, on line experience in a Facebook event called ‘The Playground of the Miraculous’. It’s for anyone who wants to source a new future now filled with infinite possibilities, limitless creation, collaborative genius fusion and shared mastery. It will culminate on Sunday, May 24th with a group Zoom call to forge in place this miraculous future for us all. Here's the event invite if you feel called to come play. PS This beautiful piece of art was created by the awesome Fleur Barnfather. You'll find more of her amazing creations at Some think the future just happens to us, while others of us know we are creating a future of epic imagination. I am a future innovator and that means I, and others I hang out with, are sourcing a future that’s a win win win for all life on planet earth.
Here’s what I’ve learned about future creating over the last 20 years. 1. Do not buy into how the present is being presented to you. There’s a deep, abiding, purposeful flow to everything that happens to us. Invent your own view of reality and choose your role inside a grand view of life unfolding brilliantly. 2. Live wondrously. Choose the future you want to see and then live live live it in every way you conceivably can. 3. Hang out with people with an optimistic, super positive, even magical view of life. Enjoy conversations that create, not conversations that tear down. Because it’s all about leaping beyond and leaving no energy behind us for the old to thrive upon. 4. Unleash your genius and invent, innovate and imaginate life as you want it to be. Paint it, write it, speak it. Bring the future alive in the now. 5. Become the universe, the ALL, the Earth, Nature, consciousness, the quantum field ... whatever strikes your fancy. Then power up and gift future possibilities to us now. If you can do this with a collective of super players in collaborative genius fusion, all the better. Don’t just sit back and hope for that bright future. Make it so now with every breath, every word, every act. For we are future makers extraordinaire. Yes we are. The future we are co-creating is so bright we gotta wear shades ... Kindness bursting out everywhere. A grand and beautiful relationship with all life forms. Respect, love and extraordinary care for our miraculous Earth. The ability to miraculously source our own well being and ultra vitality. Infinite intelligence streaming through us all. Collaboration and unity across all nations, faiths and peoples. Genius innovations soaring throughout the world, sourcing incredible, new, life affirming breakthroughs for age old challenges. And more, more, more! The future's so bright we gotta wear shades. Let's talk about EVOLUTIONARY TRANSCENDENCE. I know. It's a pretty fancy combo of words isn't it. I've been talking about this for 20 years now in one form or another (evolutionary coaching, visionary leadership, transformative power, quantum reality creation, consciousness innovation, etc.). But what's different today from back then is that it's no longer a wish, a dream, a possibility of our collective becoming. Today it's a living reality.
Don't believe me? Well, first, my buddies and I, and so many people that I have yet to meet, are operating from a clear sense of knowing now, a connection to the infinite intelligence if you will. It's like a universal guidance system built right in to our inner selves and operating brilliantly in the natural world all around us. Second, we revel in the experience of emotion, thrilled to have them and using them as grand pointers from the universe to lead us to our next horizons. The time of emotional processing and living in the challenges of the past are over. Let me draw a distinct and clear line under this one now. We are discovering delicious, luscious, delightful living, creating ourselves in every new moment as something more spectacular than ever before. Third, we are redesigning collective co-creation, working together in brilliant shared mastery, collaborative genius fusion and unleashed innovation. And that sense of new collectiveness includes all species, the whale gods, the tree gods, the bee gods, etc., etc. We've entered the playground of evolutionary transcendence and the laughter ripples all around that playground as we discover ourselves to be infinite beings, masterful creators, super powered avatars of wonders that dwell as new possibilities of us as yet unbidden. And so we gather and we create and we play, calling this new'ness into our living reality now, embedding it in our bodies, our lives, our world. The world she is a'changing and I am loving every second of playing in this quantum leaping of us into new horizons ... evolutionary transcendence. Aahhh, who are we yet to become? I thrill to the question and leap into playing on that playground with you all. Yesterday, May 8th, was an exceptional day. It was the 75th anniversary of the end of the 2nd world war. It was David Attenborough's 94th birthday. And it was our Miraculous Maestros first ever Festival of Futures. I cherish life on this planet. I believe it already is heaven and our job is to make it ever more heavenly. So in our celebration of past moments and brilliant eco heroes of our world, we welcomed in a future where we're sourcing a bountiful, natural, alchemical relationship with Nature, the Earth and the weather. We saw ourselves able to teleport anywhere in the world ... and won't that change everything. We saw the new children in portals of Light, bringing an ever more powerful sense of godness embedded within them. We saw, and are already experiencing, the ability to source our own super well-being. At the end of the call there was this moment where I was moved to tears as I saw all of this and more burst free in the world now. These aren't any longer far-out-there, seemingly impossible possibilities. This is all our dreams for the future of this world being made real now. Remember when you watched Yoda in Star Wars for the first time saying 'May the Force be with you.' And now it is so throughout this world. I feel it in me every moment of every day. Remember when you watched the Matrix and Neo conquered morphing the matrix. We do that with great regularity now. We call it matrix coding for optimal becoming. Remember when you watched Lord of the Rings and the Elven princess spoke to the waters and the waters rushed to her call. This is our brilliant, alchemical relationship to Nature now. We are Her and She is Us. Remember when you first watched Star Trek and thought oh I can't wait to soar through the universe. We are right on the cusp of this now and along with it comes our elevation into living as universal beings with a profound relationship with the Cosmos. Remember when you watched Avatar and first saw Home Tree and a desire for unity burst free inside you. This is who we are now becoming. Of that I have no doubt. The unity of us all, across all species, is becoming more real by the day. All of this to say that the future we've all dreamed of and wished for for years is right upon us now. All we have to do is choose to live in it and create our lives and our world from here. Turning towards the miraculous ... I know that's a kind of strange title, but that's how the miraculousness of life is occurring for me these days. There's what is and what can be, but more than that there's what's never been before and itching to pop into play now for us all. I call this the miraculous ... the unprecedented, unexpected, wondrously unexplainable shifts in outcomes and possibilities that wow us all. To turn towards the miraculous you have to let go of how it's always been and any projections of how the past might shape the next moment of now. You have to surrender expectations, predictions and prophecies and wander with great excitement and curiousity into the great unknown. In the great unknown lies a future too breathtaking to try to give language to. It is the Infinite's dream of us. It's the Source's next becoming. It's the Universe's evolutionary quantum leap. And we wondrous beings of Earth, we get to play our part in activating that future now. Once we accept our part in this becoming, we begin to own our natural, instinctive mastery that is there inside us, all prepped and ready to go, to make this future so now. We begin to forge together, in a new sense of collaborative genius fusion, to turn our world towards the miraculous that is waiting for us all now. There's an art to turning a world towards the miraculous. It's a beautiful, breathtaking act of individual and collective creation that is joyful to the nth degree. It's playful and fun, filled with laughter and sunshine and magical leaps of becoming. Look to the horizons people of Earth, look deep inside yourself, look to the gloriousness of Nature and know that you are the miraculous in motion now for a whole world to emerge into something spectacularly wondrous that it's never been before. Welcome the miraculous with eager, enthusiastically open arms. Yes I know, phrenology is a strange word for this, but it kind of captures what I'm looking for. You see one of my discoveries over the last 20 years is that there truly is no 'truth'. Every time I think I've found one, then I pop into the next level of higher vibration and that truth morphs and remakes itself into something entirely new, often something I haven't ever considered before. What to do if there's an ever evolving, ever leaping into the new views of things? Me, I gave up belief as much as I could in order to become an explorer of new possibility. Now here lies an adventure that is worthy of a life. I will admit to liking a bit of story here and there, but even my stories are flights of fancy, imagination and possibility that I'm not attached to as true. They simply frame pathways for journeys and purposes for games that I enjoy playing in. So imagine what the world might be like if we were a people of no set belief or truth. What if every truth is true depending on where you look at it from, and then the game would be to choose a truth, for now, that empowers you and inspires your life going forward from here. All divisiveness would disappear. Conflict would be unnecessary. And everyone would be free to explore and express their in the moment explorations with an unleashed joy and celebration as new possibilities emerged from every sharing. I think I'll choose to weave that one into our new and wondrous future that's emerging now for us all. Right now, May 2020, there are sooooo many varying views of what's happening in the world. It's a crisis, it's a hoax, it's evolutionary, etc., etc., etc. I don't think I've ever seen so many alternating views. Which one to choose? Hmmmm, the answer is clear to me. Choose whichever view gives you the world as you want it to be. For me that would be a world filled with kindness, connection, well-being, vitality, genius, innovation, global unity and a love of life and all the life forms we share this planet with. Remember ... what we believe, we create. So choose brilliantly everybody. Me, I'll keep sharing whatever elevates us all and lights us up from the inside out ... and being thrilled to be alive in such a momentous time. |
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.