Note: This is the first chapter of my new book 'How We Changed the World' which I'm serialising on Patreon. You can subscribe here to receive the chapters by email as I write them.
What are the foundations of a brilliant & creative world? I’m trying to think back to when it was that I decided I wanted to transform the world. That’s the term I would have used at the time. I believe it snuck up on me over a bit of time, like someone dangling a carrot in front of my nose leading me to the next and next step where I could actually speak those (what seemed at the time daunting) words. I’m actually not at all sure I can pinpoint the moment. I was definitely there in 2015 when I created and hosted the Genius World Conference. But I’m pretty sure it was eeking its way into my conscious awareness years before then. Regardless of when it was, here’s what I knew I had to do once that calling had switched full on …. 1. First I knew that this wasn't going to happen with just one person on their own. This was going to take a collective effort of masterful creators all aligned to a brilliant new future for us all. So I began travelling the world leading workshops to find these amazing beings who would become the consciousness innovation collective I've worked with over the last 15 years. 2. This would require a whole new level of how to be in the world. So I had to get rid of the set of disempowering beliefs (not just for me, but for everyone) that said things like 'who me?', 'I'm not good enough', 'that's too much for anyone to take on', etc. The workshops I led and the coaching I've done with people passionate about sourcing a brilliant world have all been predicated on replacing those beliefs with a true and wonderful belief in our individual and collective ability to make this so. 3. It was going to require each person involved in the collective co-creation to unleash their genius and find the access to their inner mastery and power. From 2012 to 2015 I researched and taught people how to unleash their genius, including writing a book called the Genius Game in which I opened up the concept of moving beyond genius as prodigy to the knowing that everyone has genius within them just bursting to get free. In 2018 I began working on tapping our own and the universe's mastery to do incredible breakthrough work individually and collectively. 4. it was going to take more than who we were showing up as human beings to create a relationship with something greater than how we already knew ourselves. Since I began this journey in the early 2000's, I have been constantly working on the evolution of being, moving us from people with personas and a past to become infinite beings fulfilling greater purposes ad infinitum. 5. The consciousness of the whole planet was going to require an enormous upgrade from struggle & strife to grace & flow. This didn't happen in a single go, but rather in a multitude of upgrades over a good number of years as we opened up new possibilities of how to live, work and be, putting them into living templates in our own lives and collectively remaking the consciousness of the world together in weekly calls over a goodly number of years. 6. The vibrational frequency of the world was going to have to go way up, because the higher the vibe, the greater the flow of magic and miracles in every facet of life. Of course we worked on this for ourselves individually as well as for the whole world. But really the power of this one came from the universe itself I would say. Solar flares, supernovae, galaxies colliding and all round downloads of amazing energy and power that seemed to flood our way at regular intervals so that all life could elevate to the next and the next and the next levels of vibrational power. The key was to recognise it happening and integrate it with as much grace as possible in our own lives and with as much mastery as possible to gift these upgrades to the world with grace and ease. 7. The quantum field of ideas and possibilities, the seeding ground of genius ideas and innovative solutions/creations, was going to have to be much more powerfully accessible for us all. This exploration began for me during the genius play years when I realised that amazing ideas were just floating around like dandelion puffs in the quantum field ready for us to call them into reality. But it culminated in the years 2020-2022 as I worked with my consciousness innovation buddies to draw the quantum field more present into the world. Where once we had to reach way out for new ideas and innovative possibilities, now they flow effortlessly into anyone who creates a connection to and relationship with this incredibly intelligent field of dreams. 8. We were going to need a massive expansion of intelligence, not just of the mind, but of what I now call infinite intelligence, in order to know how to proceed with transcending a whole world. Early on I discovered that connecting with higher consciousness, what I now call the universe, provided insights and perspectives way beyond anything the human mind might come up with. I talked about this as plugging your mind/brain into the big brain of the super intelligent universe. It has worked amazingly for me and all those who've also integrated this intelligence into their daily lives, using it to hone our greater work to the new dream of what we are now becoming. Amazingly, the integration of this moves one beyond being triggered by upsets or being directed by past experiences. The concept of issues disappears, replaced by a sense of your role in the greater scheme of things combined with an understanding of the greater potential on offer in every circumstance. 9. And finally, we were going to need to find a new way to work together, each one in the full power and flow of their unique genius, passions and mastery while collectively merging and morphing each of those mega contributions into an alchemical creation that would wow us all. At first I called this collaborative genius fusion and then kadeidoscopic creation as we worked together on weekly calls to do whatever the greater work called us into. The key to this collaboration is that there is no 'leader'. A facilitator is what I would call myself in this instance, someone who has the ability to source the space for brilliant collaboration, a recognition of each being's mastery and power, while witnessing the alchemical creation to be able to give language to the collective creation. Being constantly in awe of the genius contributions of others is a must in this space. Today we call ourselves miraculous maestros, quantum leaping the world into whole new horizons of possibility over and over again. I'm sure there are many many more facets of this global transcension than I've listed here (I'll cover those in chapters throughout this book), but this is the framework that got me and my buddies started into what has ultimately become a brand new way to live, work and be here on planet Earth. I love being alive in this world at this amazing time. What we are becoming as a world is breath-takingly amazing in every single way.
How We Changed the World ... A step by step guide to global transcendence
The following is the introduction to my new book I'm writing. I'll be serialising it chapter by chapter here in Patreon. The introduction is public and future chapters will be for patrons only. You can subscribe to my Patreon account at * * * * * * * * * How dare I use ‘How We Changed the World’ as the title for this book. Yes, I boldly believe it is already so. We have hit the tipping point and the whole world is now cascading into a breath-taking new version of who we are as a species and as a world. Trust me, I’m not crazy. I’m simply seeing this from a very different place than most people are currently looking. As I’m writing this in April 2022, I know that most people would not agree that the world is already changed, that reality and consciousness are already breath-takingly new. But for me, despite the current view of things in the world, I do believe the tipping point has been achieved and we are now witnessing the beginnings of a whole new version of life on Earth. This book will highlight the things we’ve done to get us there and culminate with what the new reality will look like once it’s a fait accompli. Mainly I am referring here to the collaborative creations of my wonderful consciousness innovation crew ~ we call ourselves miraculous maestros. I know that many others, the whole world over, have played incredible parts in this as well and I want to be sure to acknowledge our collective efforts throughout the world. You see I’m passionate about sourcing brand new versions of realities, civilisations and worlds. I can’t say as that was obvious in me as a youngster, although I have always been fascinated by science fiction and fantasy writings as a pointer to a future that I knew was yet to come. Right now there are people on Earth sourcing what life will look like as we create a new civilisation on Mars, as we become a multi-planetary species. For some, there are concerns that we might do the same destructive behaviour there that has led to climate and nature challenges here on Earth. For me, it’s a jumping off point for saying ‘What is it that creates the foundation of a brilliant and creative society?’ This book addresses that question in a super conscious and super creative way. I hope it inspires you to find your role in creating what I know will be a brilliant and creative future for us all here on Earth. I’ll be covering chapters that demonstrate the steps we took to recreatethe possibility of life on Earth on all fronts …
I embrace the challenge of making a believer out of all who read this because, as I’m sure you know, what we believe as reality consensus is exactly how reality shows up everywhere. |
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.