We're just one month into 2016 and already for me certain words are going defunct with new concepts taking their place. Words like leader, teacher, coach, innovator and even visionary. This week I wrote about moving beyond leadership to being a fusionaire ... one who facilitates the fusing of mulitipe people's genius to make something more extraordinary than any of the parts. It's the same with vision. In 2016 vision feels like it's got a box around it. If you don't box the vision, if you simply share this growing excitement in you with others, then visionary become collective genius fusionaire and the outcome is beyond anything you personally could have imagined. Then yesterday a friend asked me about making up words to express new ideas before they become real. I love doing that. Language can be used to shift consciousness and transform the world. So here are some of my new words that engender new concepts for 2016 ... Moving from teacher operating from a syllabus to raptivator: delighting others in the exhilaration of learning. Moving from coach to epiphanator: throwing open the doorway to Life for others with awesome insights and genius breakthroughs. Moving from innovator to winnovator: one who creates win/win innovations; not just a new idea, but a leap forward for all involved. To top it off and show you the power of words, I saw this list of the top 10 job titles on LinkedIn and I thought 'Now those are businesses people will want to work for.' .... Digital Overlord, Creator of Happiness, Retail Jedi, Wizard of Light Bulb Moments, Dream Alchemist, Chief Chatter, Change Magician, Accounting Ninja, Chief Biscuit Dunker and Direct Mail Demi-God. Ahh the power of words to unleash genius into the world! Want to become a word wizard? Join our Genius Writers webinar series that starts Feb. 8th 2016.
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.