![]() Loads of people are asking 'Why am I here?' What's my purpose in life? 'How can I achieve my greatest potential and contribute to a vibrant new world?' In my view, the answers don't lie in processing, healing or clearing what we think is wrong with us. Instead I believe the answers lie in our relationship with genius, greatness and godness. Consider that you already are an amazing being with incredible contribution to make. There's nothing about you to be fixed, healed, processed or cleared. If you look at everything that happens to you as perfection unfolding itself towards your genius potential, you'll have a brilliant, gracious ride on the pathway towards your fulfillment. So let's have a look at what are genius, greatness and godness ... Genius is new creation flowing through us, marrying our inner passions and unique essence with greater potential and possibilities. Everyone has their own unique genius within just waiting to be gifted to the world. And genius waits in the genius fields all around us to gift us new ideas, concepts, books, businesses, art, etc. Genius is greatness lying in wait to shape your contribution to life. Greatness is bigger potentiality and possibility endeavouring to capture our attention to take us further than we've been before. Greatness is about surrendering your endeavors to the greater contributions that make us and this world better for it! Greatness is saying YES to what Life wants us to become now ... and then playing your unique role in the fulfillment of that. Godness is our relationship with the infinite creatorship of the universe unfolding in its enchanted artistry. You could say that GOD might just be Genius On Demand - the flow of brilliance and creation at its finest, offering the hand of new possibility out to us to engage life like never before. What if godness is about creating our own relationship with the awe and wonder of an enchanted universe streaming through us? ![]() Genius is greatness and godness streaming through us to generate the wonders of new creation. All the secrets, wonders and mysteries of the Cosmos lie within and around us as genius just waiting to be birthed into being! Genius, greatness and godness have nothing to do with ego. In fact in order to access them we must surrender our orientation to self and allow ourselves the joy of genius streaming through us, greatness guiding us, and godness flowing through us to create like never before. Genius, greatness, and godness require us to be connected to Life, to feel the ebb and flow of creation as it pulses through our veins. Connected we live vibrantly with increased vitality and genius ideas in flow. Connected we create collectively like never before. Connected we can design beyond imagining to source a world of wondrous creative endeavour in all facets of life. While some might think that genius, greatness and godness are endeavours for the genius few, in fact the opposite is true now. The greater game wants us all to engage with genius, greatness and godness ... all people in all walks of life, all nations, all faiths, and all ages. It's time for us all to express our genius, to live into greatness, and to design our ever evolving relationship with our own godness. Genius, greatness and godness inspire us to be more, to seek further, to walk new pathways of creation. As modern day creators, we can explore, create, and exhilarate Life as its never been before. We can take apart human emotion and find at its roots an upsurge of creative fuel. We can recognise the value of perspective to liberate us in a single moment of ah-ha recognition. We can dance with genius and embrace greatness in order to strive further than ever before. We stand on the cusp of redesigning our relationship to godness and creatorship to lay out a future beyond imagining ... a future of unprecedented collective creation. Imagine a world of 7 billion geniuses all creating together in a symphony of genius. How can you bring your genius, greatness and godness into this greater game? 1. Live connected. Know that you are made up of the dust of stars, that you are Life enriching and evolving itself in every cell of you. 2. Don't judge yourself. Stay out of the psychological paradigm and know that you are amazing and have great work to do here on planet Earth. 3. Experience your own sense of godness. Take a few minutes every day to find your relationship to the enchanted universe, to the awe and wonder of creation unfolding throughout the Cosmos. 4. Call genius to you. Don't try to pull genius out of your brain. That's not where it comes from. It springs up from the passionate, inner depths of you and marries with the genius field of possibility that lies all around you. So when you want some genius input, connect and call genius to you. Genius will always come when you call, gifting you a wondrous sense of your own and our collective greatness and godness. 5. Know that every thought you have, every breath you take, every moment of your life is a creation within the greater game. That being the case, why not play at your greatest and celebrate the genius and godness in everyone and everything everywhere. Now that's a game worth contributing to and a life worth living for! Find out more about me and the Genius Game at http://www.soleiragreen.com/the-genius-game.html
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.