What a year 2021 has been ... EPIC in so many amazing ways, yet also one of the weirdest years we've experienced so far.
On the consciousness innovation front, here are some of the shifts we've been a part of sourcing this year....
So you can see why I'm calling this year EPIC. It has also been hugely intense as our physical bodies are morphing into something wondrously more aligned to these evolutionary leaps AND the old matrix of world reality is crumbling as new possibilities and innovations emerge. I have great hopes of 2022 being the year we see an extraordinary future emerging for the whole world. To that end I'm hosting a global consciousness wave at Midnight everyone's time on New Years Eve to bring in 2022 with grand panache.
If you look round in the world today, one might think we're heading towards a catastrophe. But not me. And I'm not just talking about being an eternal optimist. I'm talking about the fact that we consciousness innovators, transformers and ALLchemists have been sourcing quantum evolutionary leaps in our connectedness with all life, in our ability to co-source as an all inclusive collective and in the embodiment of a new kind of infinite intelligence.
I believe we are not just on the cusp of what I like to call transcendence into a spectacular, unprecedented future, I believe we have already tipped into that and now it's just a matter of time (a short time I'm sure) till we see it everywhere. You see the consciousness of this world is already remade. The vibrational reality is already super high. The power to elevate Life already exists brilliantly within us all. We are embodying Source'ness, mastering youthing and expanding ourselves beyond identity to operate as ALL. So yes the old ways are declining, but our ability to put grace into that transition has become extraordinary. We have become Earthians ... connected with all life forms and the Earth herself. We have called forth the miraculousness of Nature to burst forth new horizons of planetary existence. We are designing ways of collaborating that include the genius of every single one. We are architects and orchestrators of a future that is amazing and probably beyond most people's conceptions just yet. But it is there, right in our grasp and we are on the game of sourcing a world that is spectacular and thriving for us all. I've been studying, teaching, coaching and writing about transformation for the last 35 years. It fascinates me ... always has, even as teenager. How can someone fulfil their potential and become the best of themselves in life?
Potential is that part of you that's sort of already there with you, just not popping and shining in you yet. In other words, you're born with it and then you get to live into it. I spent years working with potential, in myself and in others. I tried the corporate ladder and followed the rules of success. I got exhausted and frustrated and finally left all that to follow a different route. On that different pathway I discovered that there is so much more than potential available to us all. That actually one of the easiest routes to fulfilling your potential is to move onto the playground of limitless possibilities. Possibility is what isn't yet, perhaps has never been before. It's new and fresh. Here you play with limitless creation to innovate who and what we can become, as individuals and as a world. Now I know for some reading this you might go 'Oh for gosh sakes, that's too out there for me.' While others will be shouting hurray and diving in to read on. So let me put it into simple terms to show you how this move from potential to possibilities can show up in your life. I'm a coach, a trainer, an author ... things that are the fulfilment of my potential as a human being. I'm pretty happy with how my life has gone so far. But me as limitless possibility, well that's a whole other ball game. As I entered the possibility playground, I discovered the flow of genius through me. I became a consciousness innovator and a future creator. I truly doubt that that was in me when I was born. I began to morph who I know myself as. No longer this, that or the other, I discovered that I could be anything I wanted to be. I began to create myself as opposed to being stuck with who I was born as. I no longer occurred in my world as my mother's daughter, with definitive genetics and family history to shape me. I no longer strived to become more successful in life. I began to flow, to create, to fall wildly in love with the possibilities of me, us and this beautiful world. I went bigger in terms of visions and creations. I allowed myself to do things I never thought I would or could. I leapt beyond all the boxes that contain what it is to be a human being. The concept that we are of mind, body and soul to discover myself as a limitless creator of all that I might become. I discovered I could talk to animals, trees, oceans and the Earth. The universe and I became great buddies, filling me with new insights and understandings as well as providing things like synergistic connections and brilliant opportunities at just the right time. I finally realised joy in my life and began to play with effortless abundance. I laugh a lot now and am breathtaken by the beauty of this world and the people and life forms in it. I am undefinable, ever morphing into the next new levels of what is possible for me and for us all. As I do this I realise that I am part of the redesign of what it is is to be human on Earth. I call us Earthians as a new way to talk about loving being alive on Earth while being an infinite creator of possibilities for life. The term Earthian also allows me to feel a kinship with other life forms on Earth, whereas the term human tends, in my view, to make us feel separate from other inhabitants of this wonderful world. Today I get to hang out with the most wonderful of creators across all areas of life. Not just writers and artists, musicians and dancers, but inventors of new possibilities and innovators of how technology can benefit our world. Because once you access the state of limitless creation, once you understand how genius flows and innovation works, you want to do things that uplift, elevate and empower the world to be more awesome by the day. While some might think that too daunting a task to undertake, the opposite is actually true. The more you dwell in possibility and creation, the more excited you become about the future of our world and your part in making a world of kindness, generosity, connection and of course limitless creation. The whole thing is a giant paradox you see. Letting go of a defined self, surrendering to a genius universe, making a greater difference in life ... these are the things that vitalise us, that bring us alive, that make us smile and rush into our days with excitement for the possibility of who and what we might become all together now on this amazing planet. Something wondrous is happening, especially for the wonderful beings who are elevating the planet and all upon it. We're dwelling in a new reality, one that is full of wonder, love, kindness, willing to be breathtaken by beauty, expectant of brilliance from ourselves and others, dwelling in effortless abundance and new opportunities popping in effortlessly. I believe we are putting in place a new template of living limitlessly. Here are some of the things I'm seeing at the moment happening with us. And below that are ways to make that happen for yourself. EFFORTLESS ABUNDANCE. I've seen three people effortlessly become millionaires this year. And others earning incomes like never before. New passive income opportunities are showing up, especially ones based in supporting our new lifestyles. EFFORTLESS OPPORTUNITIES. I'm seeing new opportunities flowing in to people once they've gotten who they are in a greater sense and what they're up to now as that. JOY ABOUNDS. This new reality is full of joy, laughter, lightness. We seek delights and experience wonders like never before. SUPER HEALTH. A good number of us are on a mission for super health. Strengthening our immune systems. Finding new ways of ensuring great well being. YOUTHING. A number of us are feeling vital and younger than our ages. And one of us has just declared herself an immortal!!! How exciting. I find it easily acceptable now to hear someone say they are infinite, immortal and a universal being. ALCHEMICAL POWER. We can step up to anything in life now and bring our alchemical power easily into play to first understand how its pointing us towards greatness and second how to elevate it to transform/transcend it into the new. MAGIC IS REAL. I doubt there are any of us now who doubt that magic is real. That the universe has our backs. That all things are possible. This for me is the beginning shape of our new reality. Add into that vitality, ecstatic feelings of awe and wonder and a real sense of connection with all life and you've got our new reality in living creation now. What are ways in which we can get ourselves to this place if we're not fully yet? 1. Seek ways to see beauty, to feel wonder, to experience awe. These are the means with which to elevate to a higher vibe. 2. Laugh more. Smile if laughter isn't possible for you at that moment in time. 3. Attune your body to its optimum state of flow and vitality. You can do that energetically as well as by finding the healthy options of foods, supplements, minerals, exercise, etc. that really work well for you. 4. Trust that the universe has your back always. Believe in the magic and in the power of you to transform and transcend anything that comes along. 5. Follow the flow. Feel the rightness of things before you act. Let the infinite intelligence be your north star guiding you forward with grace and delight. 6. Do things you love. Don't do things you don't love. 7. Express yourself wildly and wondrously. Don't hold back your genius or your power. Let them ripple with delight into the world for those who will love it. 8. Surround yourself with fabulous playmates. People who get you and, like you, are in love with life and the universe. 9. Be inventive. Go for it brilliantly. Innovate your life in every way you'd like to. Remember anything and everything is possible for us now. 10. Source your own version of reality, yours and the world's, and then look for that everywhere you go. 11. Finally, have fun with it all. We are all getting there. We are all amazing. And life is a wondrous adventure we get to play within Oh I know, the world is full of doom and gloom right now ... fears of climate change, the covid virus and even zombie apocalypses make the list today. So what the heck am I doing writing about fabulous futures then!
Well, I'm a consciousness innovator and an alchemist extraordinaire and here's what I see going on these days beyond the dramatic news pieces and apocalyptic movies that fill us with dread and concern.
You see, at the heart of everything that is happening on this world at the moment is a quantum evolutionary leap into brilliant new possibilities for life on Earth. Now you might think me a naive dreamer unwilling to look the yuck in the eye. But you would be mistaken. For I look into the eyes of humanity, into the eyes of the Earth and there looking back at me is a glorious new becoming that supercedes all that has gone before. So if you're measuring our future by a projection of the past, don't. Measure it by the brilliance of the new'ness emerging in us all. And then join us on the playground of Creation where we are sourcing futures too breathtaking to give language to yet. For I am the oracle of fabulous futures and I know this to be so. 2021 has been a strange year so far. For the first 6 months it has felt cocoonish as if we were being remade, cooked up new in the grand cosmic ooze of Earthdom. No wings yet to fly. There's been this sense of not knowing where to head next or how to express the tiny embryos of new’ness gestating inside. I felt things shift on June 21st as if the cocoon had burst open, but the wings of joy hadn’t dried yet. Ideas of new expression began to emerge for a good number of us at long last. Then this week that joy burst open inside me and I felt that exhilarating excitement for life return in full force again. Some of my buddies have experienced the same. As if a rush of flow has opened up inside and life is ready to soar once again. I believe that this month, July 2021, the world has tipped at long last into the new’ness we’ve all been working on for years. So many of us live our lives full on in this new reality now. We flood the world with kindness. We see everyone as an awesome creator with genius to pour into the world. We dwell in a kind of buzzing high vibe expecting and sourcing miracles all around us. And we do that even from our cocoons, even when the joy isn’t running rampant through us. Why? Because living this way is brilliant and fulfilling. So today I’m off to make more miracles, express more new’ness and burst through more joy. May your day, year and life be filled with all these things always as we spread our glorious new wings and fly. PS If you'd like to stay up-to-date on my upates on how our quantum evolutionary leaps are going, ask to join my Facebook group The Quantum Game ~ Big Players Updates.
Sentient intelligence exists all around us -- all the time. Plugging your brain (your stand alone computer) into the infinite intelligence internet gives you insights and understandings, but also extraordinary abilities to activate and accelerate potential, possibilities, genius, innovation & transformation. The invisible infinite intelligent internet is made up of many facets, things like ...
Infinite intelligence is a sensory experience, not at all like the logical workings of the unplugged, stand alone mind. Once plugged in, you are able to sense and read fields. I'm not just talking about empathy, although that's a starting point for some. I'm talking about full blown knowing combined with the ability to activate, accelerate and actualise potential, possibilities & transformation as well as to pull ideas and innovation out of thin air. My video below will explain this more and walk you through how you can do this for yourself. Once you're plugged in to the infinite intelligence internet, a whole new exciting world awaits you, one in which you are a source of exciting new creations and limitless possibilities to enhance life on this world. Is there a universe of ideas wafting about, just waiting in 'the cloud' (translation: quantum field of possibilities) for us to pluck them literally out of thin air? The answer is YES! As an expert on genius and quantum innovation, I know that ideas are like dandelion puffs, floating around in the quantum field waiting to be seeded into the fertile landscape of someone's passion. Then the inner genius takes over to sprout those ideas into all manner of new ideas and revolutionary breakthroughs. To access these unformed ideas, one has to ...
I know this to be true from years of experience of pulling new words, concepts, ideas and innovation from this field of limitless possibilities. I suppose you could ponder that this might be God's think tank of possibilities for life. You could wonder at the marvel of it all and then dive in with glee to see what's on offer there for you. But what you can't do is think your way to this. Consider our miraculous brains, the parts we use anyways, as software-filled computers, holding as much knowledge as we can pack into them. But if that brain (your stand alone computer) isn't hooked up to the quantum field (the infinite internet of ideas & possibilities), then what you get is simply some version of what you already know. An improvement of what is without the quantum leap of new'ness that's just bursting to come through you. It's an art form this, learning to surrender the thinking brain and all that you currently know, to allow true breakthrough genius to come to you. But I can tell you that there's nothing more exciting than this as you allow yourself to make a fabulous relationship with the infinite universe of ideas that can elevate life for us all. I'm a quantum coach, genius accelerator and innovation mentor who loves working with people and companies who want to source a brilliantly exciting new world. At the moment I'm in the throes of creating a new app to show people exactly how to access all this for themselves. Watch for this space for it to come out soon.
I am a wordsmith. I absolutely love language and the possibilities it offers us to redesign and innovate ourselves as communities, societies, businesses and the world. I see how often current language forms can box us in and create constructs that minimise our creativity flow and limit our innovational output. For example, take the word 'manager' in a business setting. Manager implies managing people and projects, as if it's all up to you to ensure this happens. Yes I know that's true, but what if that term was replaced by something like 'empowerer' or i'nspirer' or 'collaborative facilitator'. These are just suggestions and I'm hoping as you read them that you can feel the release of the constructs attached to the old word and the free flow of possibility in the new ones. Here's another example. The word 'human' identifies us as a separate species from let's say whales or bees or trees, etc. It makes us a distinct species and as a result, built into the language, is the construct of separation. So what if all life on Earth was dubbed as 'Earthians', a word that connects us as one species on this planet ,all working towards common goals for the good of the Earth and life upon it? You can feel the power that single word shift has to allow us to find a new way to be together globally. It opens up collaboration, cross species understanding and more care for the Earth. Then there are words that trigger certain responses, words like 'social justice' (which is a wonderful concept fraught with all that is hidden within the language). It infers, built into its construct of our understanding, righting wrongs through an adversarial approach. That may not be its exact definition, but over time it's what gets built into the phrase based on our collective experiences with it. What if we could replace those two words with something like 'equitable inclusion' or 'social design innovation'? Would suddenly the adversarial / right-wrong approach dwindle away with the new language? I believe it would because language is an incredibly powerful, alchemical fabricator of life for us all. Where does one go then to find new language to evoke things like better working relationships, enhanced connection and equitable inclusion throughout the world? These new terms await us in what I call the field of potential & possibilities that swirl all around us at all times. It's this field that genius innovators tap to pull through unprecedented breakthroughs in idea generation, solving challenges and highly creative approaches to design and innovation. To tap this field, one simply has to surrender the thinking mind and plug yourself into it, like plugging your computer into the internet. For now, simply intend this and see what happens. We might each do this in a variety of unique ways because that's the nature of us as infinite creators. What works for one may occur completely differently for everyone else. It's more about finding your own unique engagement with the field of potential & possibilities, about understanding that sometimes it's the invisible stuff that carries the power of the moment to bring new innovation through. I am an innovation mentor who loves working with people to unleash genius ideas and birth innovational breakthroughs. Find out more at Innovation Mentor. Innovation does not come from a finely trained mind. The opposite in fact. Innovation is about pulling ideas and possibilities out of thin air. It's an invisible art form you might say. It takes ...
It's here in this field, this 'cloud' of the unformed potential of us all, that brilliance awaits us all. Anyone and everyone can access this field and anyone and everyone can be an innovator in whatever area of expertise calls to them. When you call a new idea or possibility from the 'cloud', sometimes it comes to you fully formed and ready to roll into the world. Sometimes it comes like a drip drip drip, until some time later you discover you're standing right in the middle of a brilliant idea, a revolutionary solution, a genius new that's never been before. This is INNOVATION! This is what will reshape our world in the coming years and decades as the human race discovers its ability to engage in the creation of new possibilities with benefit for us all. Want to unleash your innovational talent? I'm an innovation mentor and would love to work with you.
AuthorI love writing to give form, shape & understanding to brand new concepts of consciousness innovation, genius & global reality creation. Enjoy! Become a patron of mine on Patreon where I publish chapters of my books and share breakthroughs as they happen.